Community Garden
The Community
Garden at St. Andrew has completed its 15th year of service to the Billings
community. It started small and has grown to 100 individual plots, a Mission
Garden, a greenhouse, a small orchard, an apiary with two hives, a
demonstration herb beds, flower beds, a labyrinth and a composting
operation. Over 50 families make use of the plots and an additional number
of Master Gardener and other volunteers participate in its operation. The
half-acre Mission Garden is cultivated by the plot gardeners. It produced 2
1/2 tons of fresh produce last year that was donated to local service
agencies such as Family Services, the homeless shelter, and a homeless youth
agency. The garden emphasizes that we are a "community of gardeners" and not
just a community garden. We hold group work days in the spring, potato
planting and fall harvest. A fall harvest dinner closes out our growing

Fellowship Activities
The Fellowship Community's goals are to
build and nurture healthy relationships and to encourage diversity and
strengthen service.